Hobby CNC

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do-it yourself hobby CNC machine

Pictures about my CNC-machine

Following some pictures about my CNC-machine. As you can see, the machine has not been finished yet.

do-it yourself CNC-Controller

left-front: three power supplys with á 24V/3A

beside: micro controller for generating stepper motor impulses

at the right side: 240V-phase controller

backwards left: three 4 ampere stepper motor cards

backwards middle: auxilliary power supply, relais for cooling system and power switch on delay



do-it yourself CNC-machine

Most of the parts are made by ourself. Linear guidance are made of grinded shafts with bronze bushes.

The machine has moverment dimensions of x-axis 300mm, in y-axis 200mm and z-axis 70mm.


For controlling the machine AKKON a self made CNC-software is in use.

mechanics of x-axis

Controlling of x-axis is done by tooth belt.


Mechanics of z-axis

Z-axis is linked directly with the spindel over a jaw clutch

back-side of the CNC-Controller


The USB CNC-Controller

Hardware and software for controlling the machine is also self-made. With the hardware four stepper motors can be controlled. There is also an puls with modulated digital output available. Furtheron digital outputs for cooling system and vacuum cleaner as well as six inputs for limit switches. Firmware updates can easily be uploaded to the controller over USB loaderk..

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CNC-software AKKON

Akkon runs under MS-Windows and processes G-Code.


Impressum | Haftungsausschluss

Version 1.0, ©Gerhard Burger 2004-2013, alle Rechte vorbehalten, letzte Änderung 09.11.2013